In a society, people purchase expensive beautiful material objects to create their self-image; they adopt set ideals of privilege and success as a status symbol to raise their social position. Hence, consumerism is rife. Sally Beauty and Sally Beauty Supply help us to understand the idea of projected success that by using their product you will gain beauty which will give you liberty and freedom.
By following Western-inspired standards of beauty, we can say that it might promote the idea that this physical appearance is the pathway towards success and ultimate freedom. In order to achieve both of them, one must feel beautiful by using Sally Beauty Supply.
Sally Beauty as a Global Beauty Products Company
By setting standards of beauty, where success and freedom is measured by objects and tools like jewellery, fairness, complexion, creates competition for aspiring these standards in order to achieve success, freedom or fulfilment of ideal beauty. Beauty standards set by West are socially constructed. We normalize these social constructs defined by West by using them again and again.
How We Normalize Beauty Standards
Due to this normalization, women throughout the world strive to achieve these standards to look perfect and attractive. Today, the most valuable and demanding beauty standards are set by Sally Beauty. People from all over the world, particularly women, try to attain these standards by using Sally Beauty Supply. Sally Beauty is a global beauty products distributor and maintainer of professional beauty products with a revenue of $ 3.9 billion annually.
Where Can We Find Sally Beauty Products
Additionally, Sally Beauty fashions a society of consumers in which Sally Beauty promises the idea of giving ideal beauty through the projection of idealized Sally Beauty Supply. According to Sally Beauty Holdings.INC., the company sells and distributes its millions of products over 5000 stores, including 180 franchised units, throughout the United States and Puer to Rico, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Chile, France, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Ireland, the Netherland, Spain and Germany. Moreover, Sally Beauty Supply includes 8000 outstanding products and their advertisements aim to project unessential as essential material objects of beauty.
To further enhance the beauty of beautiful women, the list of professional Sally Beauty Supply includes hair colours, hair care, skin and nails, cosmetics etc. These are made enormously available in brands such as Ion, Generic Value Products, Beyond the Zone, and Silk Elements. The opening of new stores continues to promote Sally’s expansion.
Why It Has A lot of Customers and Followers
Ultimately, the consumers of Sally Beauty Supply fall prey to its incredible results and to its promise to promote the social and financial condition of its followers. In order to win this competition of gaining popularity, financial stability and worldly fame, the fans or consumers subjugate themselves to Sally Beauty and Sally Beauty Supply.
It most of the times reach to the expectations of its followers and tries to never disappoint them by showing its unimaginable and incredible results. Therefore, people who are constantly hankering for a better life and a better mode of living through their choices, seek shelter under Sally Beauty and its socially established standards.
To cut a long story short, Sally Beauty projects the surface idea that Sally Beauty Supply is the ultimate saviour of women. This increases the demand for their products, ultimately as a plus point for Sally Beauty and Sally Beauty Supply. They make it normal for women to focus on beauty products by implanting the idea that a person’s well-being and happiness wholly solely depend upon Sally Beauty Supply. So, it can be witnessed that women are more focused on getting a beautiful appearance by using fairness products and this increases the consumption of such products. Hence, the company, Sally Beauty has reached the zenith of its international acclaim.